Cloud Tales Episode 02 Featuring Will Bengtson (VP of Security Engineering at HashiCorp)

Side Cloud

Find your opening

Get in touch if you don’t see something that fits your background. We’ll see if we can find a place for you.

Globe Guy

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Date posted: 04.22.22

Front End Developer

FULL TIME: Freshers

Location: India

Join us as we pursue our disruptive new vision to make machine data accessible, usable, and valuable to everyone. We are a company filled with people who are passionate about our product and seek to deliver the best experience for our customers. At Permiso, we’re committed to our work, customers, having fun, and most importantly to each other’s success. Learn more about Permiso careers and how you can become a part of our journey!


Candidate will implement well-designed and tested React components to build features in our enterprise web-application. You work with designers to craft an experience and then rapidly implement.


  • You will be a core contributor to the frontend of Permiso.
  • You will make modifications to the GraphQL API on the backend that your frontend features require. This allows you to ship fast.
  • You will actively collaborate with backend engineers, UX designers and product managers to craft the UI experience in order to delight our users by solving their problems.


  • Strong React skills
  • Typescript
  • Webpack/Vite/Snowpack
  • Jest
  • React-router
  • GraphQL


  • apollo-client
  • Cypress
  • Knex
  • JS
  • Postgres
  • Dynamo DB
  • Material UI


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field
  • 5+ years of hands on experience with semantic HTML, CSS and object-oriented JavaScript, React, Material UI or any other component libraries

Preferred Qualifications:

  • An encyclopedic knowledge of browser quirks and their remedies.
  • Knowledge of (and a passion for) current trends and best practices in frontend architecture, including performance, accessibility and usability
  • Experienced in Unit / Integration / Visual Testing.(Jasmine, Cypress etc)
  • Excellent written and oral communications
  • Ability and eagerness to program progressive, single-page applications (React preferably)

Example Projects:

  • Build reusable components for layout and data presentation so that the Permiso app has a consistent feel.
  • Craft a polished user experience with well designed flows, interactions and state synchronization with the URL.
  • Create a system to save user preferences (table sort, table page size).

Illustration Cloud Top

Don’t count yourself out

Get in touch if you don’t see something that fits your background. We’ll see if we can find a place for you.
